
Jenkon Inspires Transformation at Connect & Innovate 2024

Jenkon Inspires Transformation at Connect & Innovate 2024

Connecting Leaders, Driving Innovation: Jenkon’s Impactful Presence at Connect & Innovate 2024 in Sydney, Australia

The Jenkon team recently had the privilege of attending Connect & Innovate 2024, a premier conference hosted by Direct Selling Australia. The event kicked off with a warm welcome and recognition of the sponsors, setting the stage for a day filled with insightful presentations and thought-provoking discussions. Notable speakers like Bruce Bilson emphasized the crucial role of entrepreneurs in driving economic growth, while Heather Chastain provided a comprehensive analysis of regional statistics, showcasing the industry’s resilience.

Jenkon Inspires Transformation at Connect & Innovate 2024

Themes of motivation, perseverance, and strategic networking were central to the day’s events. Attendees also explored the changing dynamics of social media and content strategies to better support distributors and clients. Geoff Mulham, Director of Direct Selling Australia, led a discussion on navigating global markets, with valuable insights from his brother, David Mulham, on the industry’s international outlook.

A highlight of the day was the industry awards ceremony, held along the Sydney Harbour, celebrating achievements within the direct selling community.

Day two began with a CEO breakfast hosted by Jenkon’s VP of Global Sales, Greg Fink. Fink captivated the audience with stories of Jenkon’s continuous innovation. He spoke about how younger generations are increasingly drawn to entrepreneurship, seeing direct selling as a key opportunity in today’s gig-driven economy. By framing direct selling as a flexible and empowering option, the industry can attract a younger, more dynamic workforce eager to build their own businesses.

Fink also discussed the importance of refining the industry’s communication. He suggested using language that resonates more with today’s audiences, focusing on the idea of starting something impactful rather than relying on traditional phrases that may feel outdated. Additionally, he emphasized the strategic value of affiliate programs, noting that while they are essential, they must be carefully planned and tailored to align with company objectives before launching.

Heather Chastain returned to the stage with a presentation on aligning goals with strategies to drive success, setting a positive tone for the day’s discussions on critical industry topics.

Throughout the afternoon, the Jenkon team actively engaged in conversations about social media, AI, and their importance in the direct selling industry’s evolution.

Jenkon Inspires Transformation at Connect & Innovate 2024

A panel discussion on social media, chatbots, and AI-driven retargeting campaigns further highlighted the innovative spirit within the industry. Modere, a leader in direct selling, stood out with its impressive AI-powered retargeting strategies that effectively engaged and nurtured its customer base.

Jenkon Inspires Transformation at Connect & Innovate 2024

Attendees also addressed the challenges facing the industry, including the complexities of payroll tax. These critical discussions aimed to navigate the shifting regulatory landscape to ensure the industry’s continued growth and success.

The event concluded with the prestigious Life Member Award being presented to Phil Hobby of LeRêve, in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the industry.

Jenkon Inspires Transformation at Connect & Innovate 2024

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At Jenkon, we know you are building a winning direct sales company. What you need is a software partner with the core values to support your growth strategies seamlessly. Integrity. Collaboration. Passion. Reliability. Trust.

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